Digital sticky notes for sharing ideas anywhere in the world

CardBoard’s digital whiteboard is a collaborative workspace where you can work with online sticky notes — and so much more.

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Infinite template customization capabilities

Go beyond user story mapping. Build out flowcharts, plan to-do lists, create agendas. Build visual projects that matter to your team the most.

Visually share and communicate your best ideas

Add online sticky notes, photos, and tons of other features to your digital whiteboard. Customize profiles, invite team members, and build out projects, plans, and ideas.

Create digital sticky notes

Instantly recreate sticky notes from the real world and digitize with as little or as much information as you need to communicate your ideas.

Even More Features

Collaborate with your entire team

Add as many or as little team members as you need to build projects. Create communities, assign permissions, and share your ideas from anywhere in the world.

Tons of templates

From agile, to UX/UI, to business development and many more. Choose from our templates to get started even faster. Or build your own from scratch.

Store all information in one place

Consolidate all of your project management tools into one spot. Attach files, assign sticky notes to users, have discussions all inside of your sticky notes.

Give your team a voice

Once your team has mapped out projects, vote on the most important ideas, create annotations and have conversations directly in-app to ensure everyone’s voice is heard.

Integrate outside of CardBoard

Want to take your boards outside of CardBoard? We offer integrations with popular agile tools like Jira, Azure, Trello and more.

Infinite options

Whether you’re using digital sticky notes to do user story mapping or plan a family vacation, CardBoard has infinite whiteboard options.

Get started today – for free!

#1 online whiteboard and user story mapping platform loved by 100k users

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