How to Make a Mind Map

mind mapping tool cardboard it user story mapping
Last Updated: April 9, 2020

When writing out notes, sometimes it can get a bit overwhelming.  Making a mind map allows you to organize your thoughts more effectively. Mind mapping is quick way of getting information out of from your brain and in front of your team.  Mind Mapping is a unique solution to map out the ideas and connect thoughts.

Mind maps start in the center with the phrase of the subject you are exploring, and moves outward as subjects and topics expand. Mind Maps include lines, words, colors, images to create concepts that is easy to connect and interpret from a bird’s eye view. By adding color, organization, and memorable elements you can create a visual that works with your brain’s natural way of doing things. Each arrow connects starting with the main idea, branch off into key thoughts, then secondary thoughts and so on.

Think of a mind map like you would a map of a city.  The city center is the white, middle card and represents the main idea, then the main roads leading from out of the city represents key thoughts within the brainstorming.  Then, the next arrows denoting secondary thoughts, and so on.  Images can show special landmarks within the map to highlight special concepts and ideas.

Throw out any and all ideas, and organize later.  A mind map is a visual representation of a natural brainstorming process. At the end of the process your mind map may look similar to this:

mind mapping tool
screenshot of mind mapping tool

How to Make a Mind Map

Take a general idea and main idea and place a card in the center of the board­

Attach sub-themes to the main idea and connect with arrows. Your board will begin to resemble a spider’s web.

Use short phrases or a single word

Consider images to get message across better

Attempt to add at least two points for each key thought and branch off of those.

That’s it!

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